Friday, October 16, 2009


You know the 'coupon books' that you get in the mail full of ads for hair salons and carpet cleaners? Well, if I have time, then I look through them because you never know when there will be a coupon for the local pizzeria or something that is actually useful to me.

Today I saw something a little unusual in the coupon book ... an advertisement for a website where you can go to vent about a deadbeat in your life:

Check it out at
Here's how it works. You file a 'complaint' about a person or business on their site ... if you choose to include information with the person's (or business) email and/or mailing address they will send the person an email and postcard informing them that they have made the deadbeat list. They can then post a rebuttal.
It almost made me wish I had something I wanted to post there!

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