Friday, August 15, 2014

Its not a competition.

I think sometimes my step-children's mother thinks that she is in a competition with their father and with me.  For example, if I do anything nice for the kids she steps up and does something nice for them too.

Which, don't get me wrong, I think in the end her kids can use all the kindness they can get.  Even if her motivations are not pure, the kids are benefitting from additional kindnesses and I believe that has to be a good thing in the end.

She does not need to feel threatened by me.  I am not trying to steal her children's love and affection.  I'm not trying to do things better than her to show her up.  I'm just being myself -- and she should be herself too.  Sometimes that will mean that I will do something better, and sometimes that will mean that she will do it better .... and that is ok.  Its just life -- we are not all the best at everything we do.

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