Monday, November 23, 2009

Spending quality time with DH

So whenever I come home from the drugstore with bags of stuff, my husband is always surprised (and gives me a hard time about) by how much money I can spend there on thing I absolutely, postively could not LIVE without and had to buy while I was at the drugstore to pick up ONE little thing.

So today, he dropped his car off for some transmission work and then he was waiting for me to pick him up at the drugstore nearby. When I arrive, he asks if I have time to go inside for a minute....

Whereupon he proceeds to walk through the store and show me all the things that he thinks we need to buy .... a wide variety of extension cords, a kids digital camera, a hot wheels race track, a heating pad, a surge protector, an advent calendar, .... etc. It was really hard for me not to laugh at him.

I *will* remember this and use it against him in the future!

1 comment:

Prouses said...

You're so funny... "will use this in the future" LOL!